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Introduction To Web Development and Internet
I. Overview
In 1969, the United States Department of Defense fund the creation of ARPANET, a precursor network to the internet.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
It is to provide standards around the transfer of data that would allow these early networks to communicate with each other.
Tim Berners-Lee.
The world wide web.
The client refers to the user’s device or program that is making a request for data.
Note: A client can be a browser or application running on a user’s laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
The server is the device or program in that network that waits for incoming requests and sends back data.
Status codes indicate whether or not the HTTP request was successfully completed and if there was an error, they contain some information about the type of error that happened.
Cascading style sheets (CSS).
A static webpage.
This means that these requests are initiated at the same time, and the browser does not wait to receive one resource before requesting the next resource.
The request has succeeded.
The resource has been moved and the client is being redirected.
The requested resource was not found.
The server encounters an unexpected error.
- A static webpage does not respond to user behavior and the content is the same for all users.
- Users can Like and Comment on the interactive page.
- An interactive webpage is dynamic as the time since posting (currently “12 hrs”) updates without reloading the whole page.
- An interactive webpage allows social interaction.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
Markup refers to a way of annotating text that is distinguishable from the text itself.
By using HTML tags, which are denoted by angle brackets (also known as less-than and greater-than signs).
An opening tag, content, and closing tag.
By creating a “href” attribute.
Note: href stands for hyperlink reference. The href attribute allows us to specify the URL, or address on the web, that a link should take users to.
Separation of concerns.
Combination of events and functions.
- Programming is the mental process of thinking up instructions to give to a machine (like a computer).
- Coding is the process of transforming those ideas into a written language that a computer can understand.
Content Management System.
Example: WordPress and Drupal