Disclaimer: This is a test on how the author will take study notes in the future and testing the lay-out of the website. Please do not use the below information or on this website for any subject matters or for use of examinations. Furthermore, the author is not rendered any service in accounting, taxation or similar professional services.

Preparing For HTML

I. Overview

By starting the document with a document type declaration.

This declaration is an instruction, and it must be the first line of code in your HTML document.

The type of document and the HTML version to expect.

By adding opening and closing <html> tags after declaration of <!DOCTYPE html>.

Without these tags, it’s possible that browsers could incorrectly interpret your HTML code.

Metadata is information about the page that isn’t displayed directly on the web page.

By adding anchor elements or <a> and including the text of the link in between the opening and closing tags.

It is used to link to a path or the address where a file is located.

Include a target attributes inside an anchor element and set the value of _blank or in short target=”_blank”.

In the root directory, or the main folder where all the files for the project are stored.


|—— about.html

|—— contact.html

|—— index.html

A relative path is a filename that shows the path to a local file.

By giving the target an id.

An id should be descriptive to make it easier to remember the purpose of a link.

The target link is a string containing the #character and the target element’s id.

  • They help you (and others) understand your code if you decide to come back and review it at a much later date.
  • They allow you to experiment with new code, without having to delete old code.

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