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Introduction To HTML

I. Overview

Right-click on any page on the internet, and choose “Inspect.”.

  • markup language is a computer language that defines the structure and presentation of raw text.
  • In HTML, the computer can interpret the raw text that is wrapped in HTML elements.
  • HyperText is the text displayed on a computer or device that provides access to other text through links, also known as hyperlinks.
  • HTML element (or simply, element) — a unit of content in an HTML document formed by HTML tags and the text or media it contains.
  • HTML Tag — the element name, surrounded by an opening (<) and closing (>) angle bracket.
  • Opening Tag — the first HTML tag used to start an HTML element. The tag type is surrounded by opening and closing angle brackets.
  • Content — The information (text or other elements) contained between the opening and closing tags of an HTML element.
  • Closing tag — the second HTML tag used to end an HTML element. Closing tags have a forward slash (/) inside of them, directly after the left angle bracket.

It is organized as a collection of family tree relationships.

Because child elements can inherit behavior and styling from their parent element.

  • The name of the attribute.
  • The value of the attribute.

When you want to target a specific piece of content that is inline, or on the same line as other text.

Because it is only composed of a starting tag.

It is used to describe an item in a list.

It is a self-closing tag and most HTML elements require both an opening and closing tag.

To the browsers know where the location of the image or the image is stored.

The uniform resource locator (URL) of the image.

Note: A URL is the web address or local address where a file is stored.

  • If an image fails to load on a web page, a user can mouse over the area originally intended for the image and read a brief description of the image. This is made possible by the description you provide in the alt attribute.
  • Visually impaired users often browse the web with the aid of screen reading software. When you include the alt attribute, the screen reading software can read the image’s description out loud to the visually impaired user.
  • The alt attribute also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because search engines cannot “see” the images on websites as they crawl the internet. Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site.

Source or src, width, height, control attributes.

It will only be displayed in the browser is unable to load the video.

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